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How to make someone’s day

Click was created after a ‘what if..?’ kind of conversation around Clare’s kitchen table. It’s grown from a seed of an idea into a thriving consultancy, with a great client base and work we’re proud of every day.

One of the best bits of advice we were given at the beginning came from the brilliant marketing duo that is Chris and Alex at Locksmith Consulting. ‘People want to help – don’t be afraid to ask.’

It’s true. Even the busiest people have found time to share with us their pure-gold guidance and expertise. Here’s what we found most valuable along the way:

  • Feedback on our early business proposition – this helped us shape who we are, what we do, and why people would want to work with us

  • Honest views on our naming and brand identity – some of our early brainstorms truly needed a steer

  • Endorsements – we’ve used these magic-dust words in our credentials, website and elsewhere

  • Business know-how – this helped us quickly get to grips with forecasting and cash flow, assemble ‘management team’ of accountants and IT security experts, and much more

  • Recommendations and referrals across their networks – reputation really does go a long way

  • Encouragement – people reminded us how much in-house teams need strong and agile agencies like Click

So this is a shout-out of thanks to EVERYONE who gave us their time and wisdom. We are eternally grateful.

And to anyone who’s asked for help from here on in. Please say ‘yes’ and you might just make someone’s day.

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