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Reputation – built in a lifetime, lost in a day

Coca-Cola. Shell. Brewdog. Disney. Just a few brands we’ve seen weathering reputational storms in recent times.

Reputation is sometimes seen as a mythical beast. It’s really not. We’d describe it as everything we do, everything we say and everything our stakeholders say about us. It’s a shared entity that businesses and brands can shape but can never fully own.

Reputation has long been acknowledged as a critical driver of business. Companies are especially vulnerable to anything that damages their reputation in an economy where 70%+ of market value can come from intangible assets like brand equity, intellectual capital and goodwill.

A good reputation is a gift, especially in today’s world where business is a highly trusted source for the public. The Edelman Trust Barometer shows that business sits above media, governments and NGOs on the trust scale.

We love to work with clients to nurture their business and brand reputation, telling the story of their origins, credentials, societal contributions and much more, to their most important audiences.

Want to tell us your story? Get in touch with Clare and Kate on our contact page.

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